KMYZ-4-0,5-B-EX (550324) plug socket with cabl

Item number:


Fas­ten­ing type on so­le­noid valve with cen­tral screw M2
in­stal­la­tion po­si­tion ar­bi­trary
Prod­uct weight [g] 12,0
Elec­tri­cal con­nec­tion An­gled socket,
Square shape MSZB
Nom­i­nal op­er­at­ing volt­age DC [V] 24
Pro­tec­tion line con­nec­tion Not avail­able
Cable length [MTR] 0,5
Line prop­er­ties Stan­dard
Cable set up 2x0,35
Pro­tec­tion cat­e­gory IP50
am­bi­ent tem­per­a­ture [°C] -10 to 50
CE cer­tifi­cate (see de­c­la­ra­tion of con­for­mity) nach EU-​RoHS-RL
Ma­te­r­ial in­for­ma­tion RoHs com­pli­ant
Cor­ro­sion re­sis­tant class KBK 1 - low cor­ro­sion stress
Cable sleeve ma­te­r­ial PVC
Hous­ing ma­te­r­ial PA
Plug con­tacts ma­te­r­ial Bronze
Op­er­at­ing volt­age range DC [V] 3 to 36
Mar­itime clas­si­fi­ca­tion see Cer­tifi­cate
Further information on OT-FESTO028900
Weight 12,0 g / pcs
Customs duty number 85444290
Manufacturer Festo

All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.
Immediately available